Topic Generator

Reach the right audience in the right place with quality traffic.

Understand your customers.

With the Content Marketing Optimization of Meloncast, you'll get suggestions, which topics per target group are relevant and on which online channels you should distribute your content. With Meloncast's automatically generated text snippets for relevant channels, your team will be more efficient and get a better ROMI.

Meloncast Product


Use our Topic Generator to understand what topics are relevant to your target group right this moment.

Anticipate what they are keen to talk about and make sure you can attract potential customers to your site and engage them with relevant topics.

Get better leads while saving money on marketing, all thanks to our natural language processing engine.

Meloncast collects anonymized data from different online sources such as news APIs and social media, evaluates the socio-economic background of the different groups and tells you exactly what your target customers are interested in right now.

Technology Meloncast